Canna Boost 1L

  • Canna Boost 1L
56,50 EUR
48,03 EUR
/ szt.
Säästät 15% (8,47 EUR).

Helppo tuotepalautus

Osta tuote ja tarkista se omalla ajallasi kotona.
Voit palauttaa tuotteen ilman syytä 14 päiviä.
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14päiviä palautukseen
Tyytyväisyytesi on meille tärkeää, siksi voit palauttaa tuotteen antamatta syytä 14 päiviä.
Ilman huolia ja murheita
Voit ostaa rauhassa tuotteita ja olla varma että palautusprosessi on yksinkertainen ja helppo.
Helpot palautukset velho
Kaikki palautukset
  • Vaihe: kukinta
  • Kasvava: maaperä, kookot, hydroponiikka
  • Annostus: 2 ml / l

Canna Boost Accelerator kiihdyttää kasvin aineenvaihduntaa. Tämä on tärkeää, koska ravinteiden sisäänottokyky riippuu vahvasti kasvin terveydestä ja aineenvaihdunnan nopeudesta.


Canna Boost stimuloi uusien kukkien kehitystä. Hedelmien paino voi kasvaa normaalia suuremmaksi ravinnetta käytettäessä.


Vielä parempia tuloksia saadaan kun käytetään Canna Boostia yhdessä PK13/14 ravinteen kanssa. PK 13/14 antaa kasville kukitukseen tarvittavat aineet ja Canna Boost varmistaa että kasvilla on energiaa käyttää näitä ravinteita.


Canna Boost on universaali kukitus stimulantti, jota voi käyttää yhdessä kaikkien kasvatusjärjestelmien ja ravinteiden kanssa.


Erityistä ravinteessa on se että se ei takaa vain suurempaa satoa vaan vaikuttaa myös sadon lopulliseen makuun.


Tilavuus: Canna Boost 1L


CANNABOOST Accelerator

CANNABOOST Accelerator boosts the metabolism of your plants. This is important, because the uptake of nutrients depends greatly on the plant's health and metabolism rate. CANNABOOST is specially developed for short cycle plant varieties.
The advantages of growing with CANNABOOST Accelerator include:

Better Yield
CANNABOOST stimulates the development of new flowers. Because of this the fruits can become heavier than normal. Since the ripening of the fruits also proceeds more gradually, it results in a more uniform harvest. Something very special about CANNABOOST is that it’s not just a guarantee for higher yields but the taste is also guaranteed to be better. Something extra for the CANNA grower!

Suitable for use with all growing mediums and substrates
CANNABOOST is a universal flowering stimulator, which is to say that it can be used with any growing system and in combination with any feeding with no exceptions. As well as adding CANNABOOST to the substrate it can also be used as a leaf spray (foliar feeding). The advantage of this is that the plant can absorb the flowering stimulator directly through its leaves.

Even higher yields in combination with PK 13/14
CANNABOOST isn’t a nutrient, but an additive that increases the plant’s photosynthesis (one of the reactions that make up a plant's metabolism). This increase ensures that the fruits are formed faster. The availability of nutrients is very important for achieving optimum results with CANNABOOST. The availability of all nutrients is guaranteed with CANNA feeding. Even better results can be achieved using the trusted CANNA feeding in combination with CANNA PK 13/14. This is because PK 13/14 provides the plant with extra flowering elements while CANNABOOST ensures that there’s the energy to be able to use these elements.

Better ripening and strengthened immune system

CANNABOOST contains flowering stimulators that ensure powerful ripening. It also contains natural flowering regulators that help develop fruit more uniformly and finish flowering more strongly. Thanks to the improved energy regulation the plant also has sufficient energy to resist diseases. If there is no energy at the correct place diseases will often strike, just at the moment when it is disastrous for the harvest.

Fuller, more powerful taste
With CANNABOOST you are guaranteed both a higher yield and an exceptional taste. A good harvest isn’t just expressed in terms of weight these days. Quality is starting to play a more important role and this also means taste is becoming more important. Increasing the speed of photosynthesis greatly increases the sugar production in the fruits. This makes the taste sweeter and the natural flavours in the fruits will be produced in higher concentrations. The stronger smell of the essential oils in the fruits speaks volumes.
Most boosters are just additional nutrients. True boosters like CANNABOOST however really boost the metabolism of a plant and makes it more healthy. CANNABOOST is 'the new boost generation'.

Directions of use:

User Instructions

  • Shake bottle well before use
  • Dosage: Administer CANNABOOST using a dilution of 1:500 (20 ml per 10 litre of water) from the moment that flowers start to form. For extra flowering strength, dilute 1:250 (40 ml per 10 litre of water)
  • Do not use in combination with products containing hydrogen peroxide (H202)
  • Use diluted solution within 4 days
  • CANNABOOST can be given manually, through drip irrigation or by foliar feeding

Storage, health & safety and other directions

  • Use CANNABOOST in combination with your regular feed
  • Store closed in a dark and frost-proof place
  • Keep out of reach of children
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