RJ12-jakaja (SPH-1)

  • RJ12-jakaja (SPH-1)
  • RJ12-jakaja (SPH-1)
  • RJ12-jakaja (SPH-1)
41,60 EUR
/ szt.

Helppo tuotepalautus

Osta tuote ja tarkista se omalla ajallasi kotona.
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14päiviä palautukseen
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Kaikki palautukset
  • SPH-1-keskitin käyttää yhtä RJ12-kaapelin tuloliitäntää ja tarjoaa (8) RJ12-lähtöliitäntää, jotka voidaan liittää erilaisiin TrolMaster-antureihin, sovittimiin ja laitemoduuleihin.

The SPH-1 Splitter Hub from TrolMaster makes installation of our controllers as easy as plugging in a phone cable. The SPH-1 hub uses a single RJ12 cable input jack, and provides (8) individual RJ12 output jacks that can be connected to various TrolMaster sensors, adapters and device modules. Using the SPH-1 allows for a "clean" installation and eliminates the need for daisy-chain Y-splitters to be used to interconnect multiple modules or sensors. 

The SPH-1 is also a powered hub, meaning that it will boost the signals passing through the SPH-1 allowing more modules, sensors and light adapters to be connected to the TrolMaster controllers. By using the SPH-1, an almost unlimited number of LED / HID lights can be controlled using a single TrolMaster controller. The SPH-1 comes complete with the SPH-1 hub, a 16 foot RJ12 cable and the 12vdc power supply. 

The SPH-1 can be located in a central location with a single RJ12 cable connecting it to the main controller. From the SPH-1 hub, the individual RJ12 jacks can be connected to each of the sensors, device modules, or lighting adapters.

Package Content:

1x RJ12 Splitter Hub
1x 12V Power Adapter
1x 4 ft RJ12 Cable


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